Knowledge base

Sabados support (2)

SABADOS DISCOVER project is a subsidiary Sabados Management Company. We connect leaders, organizations, and city leaders for the purpose of producing a more intuitive online experience with their community. Our goal is to register community feedback that can be filtered to job placement programs and national event promotions. We are currently working to present convenient stores, groceries, and apartment complexes with SABADOS partnership's unique community monthly internship program. Total workplace immersion facilitates a seamless combination of classroom instruction, career exploration, and relevant job skills training through strategically designed internships. The goal is integrated employment for graduates. For a full report view of our business model. See your local representative for details.

Website support (1)

Schedule an appointment with a rep.


Information provided here supports materials and items related to not-for-profit giveaways and donations. Empowering our youth for business, brand.